It was another HAPPY TIME @ Paradise Café Yokohama! My voice was not in the best condition because of pollen allergy... I got up at 6 am and made a rice ball with SUJIKO (salmon roe) to eat, my good luck meal! And I inhaled some essential oils such as tee tree, eucalyptus, peppermint and so on.....which made me feel much better! My wonderful band, Satoshi Inoue (g) and Takumi Awaya (b) helped me out with a great performance... Yes, they did an amazing job! Thanks so much to all of you who came out for my show! You guys made it even more special and memorable... And I would like to give my heartfelt gratitude to Paradise Café. They are closing permanently..... I’m very grateful for the time I spent there... Thank you!!! We'll be together again! LOVE, Emi